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Classified Ranger

Classified Ranger is a turnkey computer system that will increase sales for your newspaper's classified department. Classified Ranger allows users to run automated scrapes of competitor's websites, which will return advertisers from your competition. Classified Ranger will allow for a complete marketing program targeting your newly acquired competitive leads, and easily allows for both telemarketing and direct marketing campaigns. Now you can advertise to and solicit from a fresh list weekly, specifically targeted for your needs.

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Outbound Ranger

Outbound Ranger is a call center management system that allows your classified management team to monitor Ad Rep activity, import leads from various sources (e.g. renewal ads from your front end system, competitive leads from Classified Ranger, inactive customers, business lists, etc.), and distribute leads to Ad Reps in an orderly fashion. The client software provides the necessary tools for your Ad Reps to successfully reach advertisers and increase their own revenue generation, while allowing management to view real-time stats about calls made, call results and ads sold.


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